1. Service Portal
  2. Attendance & Timesheets

Attendance Page Overview

Timecloud’s Attendance page is for administrators to manage timesheets.

How to navigate your way around the Attendance page:



Located at the top of your screen, it contains the main controls to reveal and hide the employee list, cycle between employees, expand all time stamps and delete times.

Attendance toolbar

Employee list

Located on the left of your screen, it allows you to view another employee’s timesheet by clicking on their name. There is a search bar and the option to filter by department and sub department however, it is limited to the employees within your department(s).

Employee list


Time Stamps

These are on the Timesheet, showing an employee’s clock in and clock out times. Cost centres, sub-codes, location, verification photo (if taken) and any comments are also on the Time Stamps. Multiple clock ins will simply appear next to each other and clocks outside a geofence will turn yellow.

Shift Controls

Located to the right of the screen are settings for the shifts of each day that can be altered. These settings consist of the ability to change shifts, apply exceptions, override shift limits and apply allowances. 

There are Time Totals and Approval controls to the right side of the shift control panel.

Here you can also view an employee’s total clocked time each day and when breaks, limits and rounding rules have been applied.

Shoft controls