Create and Edit Shifts

Shifts create the expected work hours for a day. These are assigned to shift patterns, or manually as needed.

How To Create a Shift

  • Open the Shifts page using the navigation bar on the left of your screen. 

  • Click the “New Shift” button on the left of the screen.

  • Enter the required fields for the shift you are creating on the shift pop-up.


Shift name - The name of the shift you are creating.

Start and End Time - The beginning and end of your shift.

Start and End Limits - Choose whether you want this shift to ignore time captured prior to the shift's start time

Shift Colour - Choose the colour associated with this shift.

Overtime Limits - If you have overtime enabled, their time will be recorded in a new overtime bucket once the employee works past this limit.

Break Time - The amount of time deducted from this shift automatically.

Break After - The amount of time the employee must work until the break time is deducted from this shift.

Add Break - Choose whether you want break times from this shift to be added to the total time instead of subtracted.

Enable Prompts - Choose whether this shift can send notifications.

Not Working - Choose whether employees are assigned to this shift when they are not expected to be working.

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Enabled - Choose whether an allowance is enabled for this shift.

Minimum Hours - Specify the minimum hours an employee needs to work to get this allowance. 

Maximum Hours - Specify the maximum hours an employee can gain of this allowance.

Units - The number of hours the employee has to work to gain 1 unit of this allowance.

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  • Click “Save” if you have entered all required fields, the shift will be added to your list.

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How To Edit a Shift

  • Open the Shifts page using the navigation bar on the left of your screen. 

  • Click on the shift you wish to edit.

  • Within the shift pop-up you can edit and save the details or archive the shift by clicking the “Archive” button.

    Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 2.18.14 PM