Employees Page Overview

The Employees Page allows for creation, management and storage of employees. Configure permissions, departments, roles and more.

Employee Profiles

  1. Navigate to 'Employees' or 'Employee Profiles' from the 'Dashboards'
  2. Use the left hand menu to select the desired employee.
  3. Use the filters and search bar if needed.

Creating a New User

  1. Click on 'Add Employee' at the bottom of the employee list.
  2. Input First Name, Last Name, Email, Department, and Shift Pattern; all other fields are optional and can be edited post-creation.
  3. Click 'Save' to finalise.

Archive Employee

  1. Select 'Archive Employee' from the center information card to remove the employee from the active list. You will be taken to view the archive.
  2. the 'Active'/'Archived' toggle is at the bottom of the employee list.

Unarchive Employee

  1. Open the 'Archived' Employee list from the left hand menu.
  2. Select 'Unarchive Employee' from the bottom of the employee details center card.

Configuring Employees' Profile

  1. Unless using the HR module, the available options will be: 
    1. Pay details: (Optional) Set Hourly Rate.
    2. Employee Details: (Optional) Set Employment Type.
    3. Time and Attendance: The Primary configuration page.
  2. HR Modules - Contact the team to learn more.
    1. Sensitive Information: IRD Number, Drivers License, Medical Record, and other Sensitive Document Storage.
    2. Attachments: Document Upload.
    3. Requirements: Compliance Tracking.

Time and Attendance

  1. Pin Number:
    1. Customisable password for an employee login on the Mobile App and Kiosk. Their Email address will be their username.
  2. Job Details: (Optional)
    1. Contract Type
    2. Roles
    3. Work Start Date
  3. Attendance: (Available on Request)
    1. Add, Edit or Remove Permissions for the mobile app timesheets. Allow Employees to make corrections on their own.
    2. Edit Shift (In Attendance) Allow Employees to Edit their expected start and finish times.
    3. Allow Web Punch allow employees to clock in from a computer.
    4. Allow Public Holidays to disable this employees Holiday Rules/Leave.
  4. Job Costing:
    1. Set Default Cost Centres (will auto select in the mobile app).
  5. Reporting:
    1. Disable Export to stop employees from showing up in reporting (normally salaried employees).
    2. Set Employee Payroll Code.
  6. Scheduled Reporting: 
    1. Disable Prompts.
  7. Mobile App:
    1. Enable Capture Photo Mode.
    2. Allow Clock in/out from the mobile app.
    3. Disable the Timesheet Screen from displaying.
  8. Administrator: 
    1. A password must be given - this can be changed from the same location later.
    2. Department Permissions can be optionally assigned.
    3. when signing in for the first time, Admins must validate their email address.