Easily import new job items or bulk edit existing jobs.
For companies that process a large number of jobs, or those that use use Timecloud alongside an existing job management platform, Timecloud's bulk import functionality allows you to easily import or update a large number of job items.
The import process can be used to bulk create, edit or archive existing jobs.
How to Import Job Items
1. After logging into the Timecloud Admin Portal, navigate to the 'Job Tracking' page using the menu located on the left hand side.
2. Select 'Upload Jobs'
3. Select the file you would like to import
4. Select the 'Upload' button located in the top right hand corner
5. Preview the data and review any invalid rows. If there are any errors when importing, the platform will display any items that need to be reviewed. You can either proceed anyway to import only the successful job items, or update the file and import again.
6. Select 'Apply' to import your job items. You will then be presented with a confirm of the number of successful jobs that have imported or updated, allowing you select 'Done' to continue.
Layer Name (required)
This is the name that you have given to the job layer you would like to import the job against. (In the screenshot examples above, this is Job Sites, or Tasks).
Name (required)
This is the name that you would like to associate to the job item. This is what will be displayed to employees when selecting the job item when clocking in. i.e. 62 Matthews Road.
Custom Code 1 (optional)
If this job item has an existing ID number from another job management platform, or a code you would like to use for reporting purposes, you can save this here.
Custom Code 2 (optional)
Optionally, an additional field that can be used for reporting purposes.
Expected Cost (optional)
The expected labour cost that has been planned or quoted for the job to be completed.
Expected Hours (optional)
The expected number of hours that has been planned or quoted for the job to be completed.
Department Layer 1 [2, 3, ...] (optional)
These columns of the import are used to assign the permissions of the job. This determines which departments of employees this job should be able to view and capture time against. Enter the name of the department, or multiple separated by a ; (for example Department A; Department B)
Address (optional)
The street address of a job can be entered - when importing, Timecloud will automatically create a geofence around this location. This then allows jobs to be suggested to employees within the mobile app when signing in, and ensuring employees are physically located on-site if required.
• The size of this geofence will be determined by the Settings → Job Tracking → Geofence Radius field
• Suggested Job Items can be enabled using the Settings → Job Tracking → Suggested Job Items toggle
• The requirement for employees to be located within a geofence can be configured by enabling Settings → Job Tracking → Geofence Lock
Parent Job Name (optional)
This is the name of the job item on the prior layer that you would like to link to. You can read more about Job Linking on the Job Tracking Configuration page.
Status (optional)
You can assign the job status, or, update to archive existing jobs. Set this to either 'Active' or 'Archived'.