Roster Invitations

How to send and accept roster invitations to allow multiple employees the choice to work a shift.

How to Send Roster Invitations

Available in Shift View is the ability to send out an invitation to multiple employees for the same shift at once, allowing more than one person the ability to fill a gap.

  1. Navigate to the 'Roster' page.
  2. Ensure you are using the 'Shift' view of the roster.
  3. Select the desired shift and day by clicking the corresponding grid.
  4. Within the Shift Menu use the toggle at the top of the page to switch over to invitation.
  5. Within the Invitation mode, select which roles (if any) the employees are being invited to fill:
    1. Use the drop down menu to select which specific users you would like to invite.
    2. Use the tickbox to 'select all users'.
  6. Set the maximum number of employees allowed to accept the shift by setting this number below the role.
  7. add a Job Tracking assignment if relevant.
  8. Click 'Send Invitation' once satisified.

How to View and Accept Invitations

Once sent, all invited employees will have the opportunity to accept the shift until the maximum number of employees are fulfilled.

  1. Invitations will only display within the Shift View; once sent, employees will receive a mobile notifcation.
  2. When opening the Mobile App, navigate to the roster page.
  3. Locate the shift you were invited to, and tap the shift to view the details.
  4. After reviewing the shift details, employees can accept or close the invitation.
If accepted, invitations will become draft shifts on the web app roster, before the admin finally can review and publish these shifts. 

Note: Only the specified number of maximum employees can accept the shift, after this point it will disappear from the other employees rosters.