User Groups and Sub Departments

To configure more detailed grouping for Employees, we can use User Groups to create Sub Departments.


Enable User Groups

  1. Navigate to the "Settings" section and select "Overview."
  2. Locate Data Filtering Method and update to 'Groups' 
  3. Change the Name of the Groups (if needed)
  4. Save this change at the bottom of the page


Adding new groups

  1. Use the 'Add Department' button to create a new Parent group
  2. Name the parent group
  3. use the save icon on the right hand side, or click the 'x' if it is not needed

Use the plus icon to create a new subgroup, pencil icon to edit the name, and bin to delete

Adding Sub Group

  1. Click the plus next to a parent group to create a new sub group item
  2. Repeat the steps of naming and saving

Note: Ensure you click the same plus icon to continue adding items in the same group, otherwise you may create unnecessary sub groups.