Roster Availability / Block Out Dates

Allow staff to plan their availability and give rostering admins visibility.

Roster Blockouts

Staff's requested blockout dates/times will display to admins on the roster. Blockouts are used as warnings, though staff can still be rostered on these blocked out days/times.

This is similar to the Leave roster warning system, however blockouts are not displayed on the attendance page. 

Employee View

Shift View


Configuring Roster Availability

Roster Availability is controlled through 2 methods. Employees Access and Admin Feature Access. These can be enabled or disabled with the following steps:

Employee Access

  1. Access the 'Employees' page.
  2. Use the employee list on the left to find and select the staff member.
  3. Look for the optional toggles 'Allow Blockout Entry' and 'Allow Leave Application' in the 'Time and Attendance' menu.
  4. By default employees will have access to leave but not blockout dates. You can allow any combination of these.

Admin Access

The following is only relevant if your account has Feature Access Enabled.

  1. Access the 'Settings' page.
  2. Select 'Feature Access' and find the relevant sub admin who should be able to see employees blockout rules.
  3. Note that admins cannot edit blockout rules, this access only allows them to see the blockout reasons and rules.

Adding Blockout Rules

If staff have access to 'Allow Blockout Entry' they can use the web app or mobile app to create new Blockout Rules.

Making a Request

  1. Login to the Web or Mobile App using an employee email and pin. 
  2. Web App: Access 'Leave' or 'Availability'
    1.  Click the 'Block Out Dates' tab, and 'Add Blockout' to start a new rule
  3. Mobile App: Tap Leave
    1. Tap '➕' to start a new rule.
  4. Select Start Date and End Date, the 'All Day' toggle will allow you to specify blockout hours instead of blocking the whole day.
    1. Blockouts that last multiple days cannot be set to repeat
  5. (Optional) If rule is for a single day, Frequency can be set to repeat. 
    1. Frequency and repeat period will control how often the rule will trigger.
    2. You can set mutliple repeating rules if you need to blockout multiple days of the week.
  6.  Comment can be used for a blockout reason, but rules are automatically applied and comments are optional.
  7. Click Submit.

Editing Existing Requests

  1. Click or Tap the Pencil Icon, or simply the bin icon to delete the request completely. 
    1. Repeating Rules, Ongoing Rules, and Upcoming Rules can all be edited or deleted.
  2. Editing a rule will allow you to edit all fields, repeating the steps from creating a new rule.
    1. Once the dates for a rule have passed, it will be locked and a new rule will need to be made