Mobile App Overview (User Guide)

Learn how to effectively use the Timecloud app for clocking in and out, viewing your timesheets, accessing your roster, and applying for leave.

Note: Several features are included within the Job Tracking and the Roster modules exclusively. For more information on how these can benefit your business, please reach out to the team.

please click the links to view and download the relevant mobile app tutorial for employees:

Job Tracking Punchboard + Timesheet  
PDF version 

Job Tracking Punchboard + Timesheet + Leave

PDF version

Job Tracking Punchboard + Timesheet + Roster

PDF version

Job Tracking Punchboard + Timesheet + Roster + Leave

PDF version

Punchboard + Timesheet

PDF version

Punchboard + Timesheet + Leave

PDF version

Punchboard + Timesheet + Roster

PDF version

Punchboard + Timsheet + Roster + Leave

PDF version

Download the Timecloud App from the App Store

  • The Timecloud app can be found here:

Google Play
Apple App Store

The app will be named ‘Timecloud’ and the icon should look like this:

Please watch this brief guide on using the basics of Timecloud, or use the written instructions below.


Login and Clock in from the Punchboard

How to sign out at the end of the day:
1. Open the Timecloud app and the punch board should automatically open

2. Select the job items from the drop down box 

3. Press ‘OUT’ at the bottom on the screen to submit your attendance

Preview previous timesheet
1. Open the Timecloud app and open the Timesheet tab (located at the bottom of your
2. You will automatically view the current day
3. Swipe left and right to change days
4. To change your view to a ‘weekly overall view’, click “Week” - located at the top right
5. To view a calendar view to change dates, click the calendar at the top right corner of the screen


Remember Previous Job Items

  • It may be helpful to enable Remember Previous Job Items in the profile if your company is
    using multiple Job Tracking fields or mandatory fields.

How to apply for leave

  1. Press the ‘Leave’ button at the bottom of the screen
  2. On this screen you can view approved, pending and all previous leave history
  3. To apply for leave, press the ‘+’ icon:
  4. Select the leave type you wish to apply for
  5. Select the dates to apply for leave
  6. Add any comments for your manager to review and click

The applied leave can be reviewed on the pending leave menu

to edit a pending leave application

  1. click on the application to edit and follow steps 1 - 8 above.

Once your leave application is approved, this can be previewed in the ‘approved’ tab. 


To view the Roster

1. Navigate to the Roster page

2. scroll up and down or use the calendar to view relevant shifts and dates.

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