Shifts Overview

Shifts are one of the most fundamental parts of Timecloud. Created shifts set the expected work hours for the day, control overtime and breaks, and provide templates for the Roster.

Click here to learn how to configure Roster by Role

Creating Shifts

Create and customise Shifts to access them throughout the system and utilise various features.

  1. Navigate to the 'Shifts' Page.
  2. Click 'New Shift' in the top left of the page. 
  3. Name Shift (Note: Shift names are permanent).
  4. Provide the start and end time in a 24 hour 4 digit format (E.g. 0800, 1700).
  5. Enable and configure the optional features as needed below:
    1. Limits: Controls clock in/out times, blocking hours from tracking until the scheduled time, unless overridden (e.g., no payment for extra time without manager approval).
    2. Overtime: Set 'Normal Time' and 'Overtime One' hours before moving to the next level (e.g., NT=06:00, OT1=02:00; for a 10-hour shift, it's 6 hours NT, 2 hours OT1, and 2 hours OT2).
    3. Breaks: Set 'Break Time' for deducted break minutes (usually 30 minutes) and 'Break After' for when the deduction starts (e.g., prevents breaks on half days).
    4. Add Break: Use to add 'Break Time' on top of worked hours (e.g. for paid breaks where employees clock out)
    5. Department Permissions: Set if admins from the given department will be able to see this shift. By default all departments will have permission.
    6. Enable Prompt: Decide if employees will receive Productivity Prompts (if configured).
    7.  Not Working: Mark this shift to be a scheduled day off. Primarily used if you would like to rename the default 'Not Working' Shift.
    8. Allowances: Time Allowances can be toggled and configured to occur after a given time. These need to be configured first in the settings.
    9. Roles: Click here to learn how to configure Roster by Role.
  6. Save the Shift once completed.

Creating Shift Patterns

Shift Patterns are assigned to employees and set their default work pattern, for rostered employees this may be not working for the full week.

  1. Navigate to the Shifts Page.
  2. Click 'New Shift Pattern'.
  3. Set the pattern's period, adjusting as needed for more or fewer than 1 week (for rotating days off). 
  4. Use the drop down menu to match your created shifts and the 'Not Working' shift as required.

Application and Assignment

Once created Shifts and Shift Patterns can be viewed and assigned throughout the system, providing essential information for Reporting, Attendance Rules, Leave, and Rostering.

Learn more about Attendance, Employees, or Roster.

  1. Shift Patterns must be assigned to Employees Profiles to change their expected shifts.
    1. Navigate to the 'Employees' page.
    2. Select the desired employee from the left hand list.
    3. Assign a new Shift Pattern using the drop down menu from the centre Profile.
    4. Save this change and backdate to correct previous days shifts. 
  2. The Attendance Page allows you to alter the expected shift from the usual pattern.
    1. Navigate to the 'Attendance' page.
    2. Use the dropdown menus from the right hand side to change which shift is expected for that given day. This recalculates breaks, limits, lateness and reporting.
    3. Leave calculates based on these expected hours for the day.
  3. The Roster uses shifts as templates, creating a library of shifts to cover your needs.
    1. In the 'Shift' view Shift Templates run down the left hand side indicating which shifts are assigned to the selected employees
    2. in the 'Employee' view shifts are dropped in via quick select or added manually. Autofill also lets you fill in the shift pattern and make adjustments as needed.

Editing and Archiving

Edit or Archive the shifts as needed, you can change everything besides the name of a Shift. 

To Edit:

  1. Navigate to the Shifts Page.
  2. Click on the pencil icon next to any created Shift or Shift Pattern.
  3. Utilise the fields and instructions above to alter any details of a shift, or shift pattern as needed.  

To Archive:

  1. Click on the pencil icon next to any created Shift or Shift Pattern.
  2. Click the 'Archive' button at the bottom of the Shift/Shift Pattern.
  3. The Archive can be viewed using the toggle at the top of the page.

To Unarchive:

  1. Use the toggle to view archived Shifts/Shift Patterns
  2. Repeat the steps for Archiving.

Note: Shifts and Shift Patterns cannot be Archived if assigned to an employee. Remember to backdate these adjustments if you need to make corrections.